I never thought I would blog. Never. Ever. My life just doesn’t seem exciting enough to talk about in public. And still, here I am, putting pen to paper (or the computer equivalent) for all the world to see. If not the world at least the three people who might follow my blog – assuming my Mom can figure out how to work her computer. So let’s say two people, just to be conservative. Sorry for the vote of non-confidence, Mom!
A blog seems to be a good way to get myself back into writing again. You see, I’m a raging procrastinator and am so brilliantly accomplished in this art, I can put things off almost indefinitely without them losing their place on my “To-Do One Day” list. Somehow writing got pushed back in the priority list and I’m finding that I’ve become a bit rusty. That might be obvious to both of you reading this, but take heart; it can only get better!
My goal is to start writing regularly, about anything and everything. The kids are old enough that their days (and mine) involve more than their bowel movements and sleep schedules so my horizons and topics of conversation are broadening! There is so much to enjoy, lament, and laugh at with them every day, why not share it? And I’m slowly regaining my life now that they are embarking on their own journeys (okay, they are only 7 and 4 but I can see it happening already!). As I get back my creative juices, maybe I can start creeping tentatively toward my goal of writing a novel one day. I’ll keep you all posted on how that goes. Wanna come along for the ride?
I do! I do!! :) (It's me Jill L-M) :)