There is so much tragedy in the world and all too often we feel unable to make a difference so we don't try. I feel helpless and ineffectual in times of crisis so I end up doing nothing at all. Sure, Carmen and I volunteer off and on at Inn from The Cold, and we adopt a family at Christmas with a group of friends, but when it comes to large scale catastrophes, I find it paralyzing.
Last September I met a mom named Tania who doesn't let anything stand in her way. Our sons play on the same hockey team and over a season of 6 am practices and weekend tournaments, we have gotten to know each other. She's the kind of person I admire: she tells it like it is, does what she believes is right no matter what anyone else might think or say, and she's ultra-involved in her community. Her kids are funny and polite -- and that doesn't happen by accident! Tania has an amazing energy and personality, and you can't help but be drawn into her crazy and wonderful life.
She is always talking about various charities she's involved in and the importance of giving back, even in small ways, especially since she feels so fortunate for her blessings. When something terrible happens, she thinks of what she can do to help while others sit wringing their hands tsk-tsking about what a horrible thing it is.
Tania jumped into action this week after watching news about the Slave Lake fires. She asked people to donate toiletries and such to help make these victims' lives a bit more normal in an unimaginably hard time, and she has arranged to have it delivered where it is needed. It makes me realize that while we might not be able to make enormous change, we can make the little ones that will make a difference.
Ben and I went to the store and picked up some things to add to her boxes, and I explained to him about why we were doing it. I told him that these people had nothing and with these little packages and treats, we could help them with the basics and let them know that they're not alone.
I'm so thankful to Tania for setting such a good example for my kids and for me too. She's a true inspiration.